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Today's Journal Prompt: Energy

Writer: Michelle Michelle

Crystal Healing has changed my life. I move through my days more effortlessly.

I take every step more intentionally.

I’ve been dealing with emotional trauma, blockages, and relationships full of bad


My First Crystal Healing Session:

I was very emotional during my first session. I experienced a profound release of

darkness. I don’t always feel comfortable showing emotion, but Michelle’s presence

allowed me to fully feel the release. I cried and felt all that I needed to feel to allow my

energy to shift.

Within days, I felt the change. I was calmer. I was focused. I started to recognize the

energy around me. Identifying it allowed me to do something about it.

My Second Crystal Healing Session:

My second session proved that the first session wasn’t a fluke.

Michelle instructed me to think about what I wanted to get out of the session.

Without telling her, I hoped for joy and more happiness in my life.

Before Michelle could complete the session, I began laughing uncontrollably. I felt free.

It’s so hard to explain how content and weightless I felt.

Michelle later told me that while she worked on my Heart Chakra, she spoke to my spirit

guides and angels and asked that they allow me to feel the need to laugh more in order to open myself up to more joy in my life.

It was truly life changing and confirmation that this works!

The results of my second session:

1. I look inward with more confidence.

2. I move forward instead of looking back.

3. I no longer allow toxic elements to come into my life.

4. I try not to take things personally.

5. I feel more grounded and focused.

6. I react more rationally and not with anger.

7. I try to avoid unhealthy attachments.

I realized that the things that don’t serve me are not worth of my time.

While I’m still working on this, I crave those things less.

I am forever a work in progress but the steps I’m taking to heal are paying off!

Until the next prompt,




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